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Geologic Interpretation and Modeling


Scientific Research Inst. Of Petroleum Exploration

BASIMS is a 2-D Basin Integrated Modeling System. It consists of sixmodels: geohistory model, geothermal history model, hydrocarbongeneration history model, hydrocarbon expulsion history model,hydrocarbon-migration accumulation history model and integrated resourceevaluation model. BASIMS can make integrated evaluation of oil-gasresources, indicating the location of the reservoirs and reserves.Using the data from geology, seismogram, well logging, geochemistry, andpetroleum engineer, BASIMS can simulate an exploration area to get itsevolution histories such as geology, geothermics, hydrocarbon-generation,hydrocarbon-expulsion, and hydrocarbon migration accumulation trapping.Based on these five history-results and other geological data, BASIMSmakes integrated evaluation of oil-gas resource indicating the locationof the reservoirs and their reserves. All the results are output cross-section, histogram, and integrated map.

Language: FORTRAN, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Scientific Research Inst. Of Petroleum Exploration
6102 Claridge Dr
Houston, TX 77096
Phone: (713) 772-4776
Fax: (713) 271-3233